17 Jul 2018
by Oxford Agency
There’s never been a more important time to invest in wellbeing. Research shows the healthiest staff in a workplace are 3 times more productive than the unhealthiest staff.
But the benefits aren’t just for the individual — companies implementing health and wellbeing programs will on average reap $5 for every $1 invested, through reduced absenteeism, workers compensation and disability management costs.
Australians are losing more than three days a year because of workplace stress, which can be circumvented through exercise, mindfullness, and healthier eating.
While some companies like to go all out with their wellness programs, implementing simple health and wellbeing initiatives doesn’t need to be costly or complicated by simply finding out what the needs of your staff are. achieving a healthier workplace.
It seems simple, but getting your staffs’ input is key to any program.
Helping staff make healthier choices can be as simple as a fruit bowl.
Sitting is the new smoking, so host ‘walking’ meetings or provide standing desks.
Encourage friendships through active team activities like fun runs.
Nothing improves morale like the outdoors. Take meetings out of the office.
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